Tomorrow is not promised.

Welcome to my blog!

I’m Patricia Tatiana Duque. Create a life you love where you feel vibrantly alive each day.

I’m a first generation Chilean American, born in the US. I’ve spent the past 15 years working in Corporate America, based in NYC, pursuing my career in Industrial & Organizational Psychology. While I’ve had a successful career, I also knew I lost my passion for my work many years ago. On the personal front, I also went through many difficult years and because of that, wasn’t truly living my life. In 2021 I had major surgery and after my recovery, I told myself that it was time to start living my life. In early 2021 I made the decision to take my first solo international trip. Since then my life began to unfold in a beautiful way.

On this blog you will find tips and resources on travel destinations and guides, solo travel, digital nomad travel, and how to start creating a life you feel passionate about.

Yield to the flow of life and see how life begins to unfold. Tomorrow is not promised.

My Latest Posts


One of the questions I often get is how I get to travel so much and what I do for work. The reality is that for the majority of my life I didn’t travel like I do now. Read this if your are ready to start your travel journey.